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For Concrete structures (small business).
Multi story buildings (up to 8- story) , villas and other similar construction.








D7 can do everything for you:
1- Design of concrete elements.
2- detailed calculation sheets.
3- Quantity surveying.
4- Export to AutoCAD to produce high quality details.5- and much more , navigate the website menu to learn more.



Larger projects and you are using modeling software? Well, D7 can make your preliminary design and input more accurate.

D7 development history
Version Date Programming language OS Features 
D1 1987 Fortran MS-DOS Design of steel and concrete members Survey calculations.
D2 1987 Fortran MS-DOS Major change in user interface and bug fixing.
D3 1988 Pascal MS-DOS Added: Structural Analysis of beams
D4 1988 GW-Basic MS-DOS Some graphics have been added.
D5 1990 Quick basic MS-DOS More graphics and pull down menus.
D6 1990 Turbo c MS-DOS Re-development of the program with some additional concrete design items.
D7 1990 Turbo c MS-DOS Built in installer has been added.
D7 v1.0-v3.0 1991 Microsoft c MS-DOS More enhancements for graphics and pull down menus.
D7 v4.0-v6.0 1993 Borland c++ Windows 3.1 Necessary changes to meet the Windows compatibility requirements.
D7 v7.0 1996 Borland c++ Windows 95 Export highway profiles to AutoCAD v 12.
D7 v8.0 1999 Borland c++ Windows 98 a limited Demo version has been distributed.
D7E v0.5 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ WINDOWS XP The software rewritten from ground up.
D7E V1.0 2013 Microsoft Visual C++ WIN XP-VISTA,.. The current version this website can give u a detailed information about it.

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لتصميم المنشآت الخرسانية (الاعمال الصغيرة)

المباني متعددة الطوابق حتى 8 ادوار ، الفلل والمنشآت المشابهة








يقوم D7 بعمل الاتي :
1-تصميم العناصر الخرسانية.
2- عمل المذكرات الحسابية التفصيلية.
3- حساب الكميات.
4- التصدير الى اوتوكاد لعمل الرسومات التنفيذية.
5- المزيد واكثر ، يمكنك الاطلاع بتصفح قوائم الموقع.


مشاريعي اكبر واستخدم حزم برامج كبيرة؟ ، يساعدك D7 على عمل تصميمات ابتدائية سريعة ويساعد على افتراضات اكثر دقة عند استخدام البرامج الكبرى ، بالاضافة الى ادوات سريعة يمكن ان تعمل جنبا الى جنب مع الحزم المذكورة.

مراحل تطوير البرنامج 
Version Date Programming language OS Features 
D1 1987 Fortran MS-DOS Design of steel and concrete members Survey calculations.
D2 1987 Fortran MS-DOS Major change in user interface and bug fixing.
D3 1988 Pascal MS-DOS Added: Structural Analysis of beams
D4 1988 GW-Basic MS-DOS Some graphics have been added.
D5 1990 Quick basic MS-DOS More graphics and pull down menus.
D6 1990 Turbo c MS-DOS Re-development of the program with some additional concrete design items.
D7 1990 Turbo c MS-DOS Built in installer has been added.
D7 v1.0-v3.0 1991 Microsoft c MS-DOS More enhancements for graphics and pull down menus.
D7 v4.0-v6.0 1993 Borland c++ Windows 3.1 Necessary changes to meet the Windows compatibility requirements.
D7 v7.0 1996 Borland c++ Windows 95 Export highway profiles to AutoCAD v 12.
D7 v8.0 1999 Borland c++ Windows 98 a limited Demo version has been distributed.
D7E v0.5 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ WINDOWS XP The software rewritten from ground up.
D7E V1.0 2013 Microsoft Visual C++ WIN XP-VISTA,.. The current version this website can give u a detailed information about it.